Dalai is a Mongolian word and it refers the ocean and Lama is a Tibetan word refers teacher. Dalai Lama is totally meant for ?Ocean of Wisdom?. These officials are one of the divisions of Gelug who were following Buddhism sincerely.
The origin of the Dalai Lama title was a result of a long relationship between Tibet and Mongolia. In 1205, entire Tibet?s neighboring areas were ruled by Mongolian kings. Tibet sent an envoy to pay homage to the rulers of Magnolia and they were assisting much for Mongolians? assault to conquer much of Asia.
Due to such cordial assistance and inter relationship between Mongolian and Tibet, a kind of union was emerged and Tibetans were started to serve as Tibetan spiritual leaders and as Buddhist teachers in Mongolia in exchange for military protection.
Since there are so many divisions of Buddhism in Tibet, Tibetan?s foremost leader Sonam Gyasto aligned with Mongolian king Altan Khan and with his assistance, he has expanded Buddhism throughout Mongolia.
Finally he was given the title called ?Dalai Lama?. He was accepted to be the third incarnation of a great teacher. But he was the first person actually received this title during his life time.
In Tibet region, most of the people were getting more interested in Buddhism and the have secluded themselves from common Buddhism and called Tibetan Buddhists. These Tibetan Buddhists are called Lamas. Since they were doing mainly religious teaching profession, they are called as teachers for religion.
In their specific religion, they believe about rebirth of human kind and they are believers of rebirth. Dalai Lamas are believers of rebirth and devotees for rebirth beliefs. They strongly believe that spiritual leaders in Dalai Lamas are reincarnated again and again through their rebirth and they are teaching others for religious or spiritual way of living.
Gelug School is a place in which religious teachings will be teaching for others and a senior Dalai Lama will be considered as a director for such concerns.
During 17th century, they were administering a large portion of the area in Tibetan regions and they were maintaining their family?s religions authority one after another. During such period, Dalai Lamas were also maintaining some of the most disciplined principles of spiritual guide to many Himalayan kingdoms borders.
Due to their effective and efficient literary work, they have inspired more than fifty million people in these regions. Their literary works were mainly based on the fusion of Buddhist philosophy in Tibetan Buddhism.
Now days, Tibetan Buddhism is considered as one of the world?s greatest spiritual thought.
Dalai Lamas are considered as one of the most recognized spiritual leaders of Tibet.
The 14th Dalai Lama or Kundun is named Tenzin Gyatso. His biography and history is available to read.