Tattoo Symbol For Sister
Tattoo Symbol For Sister...
The Tibetans have a lovely tradition of calling everyone, even complete strangers like members of the family. If you speak to an older man you can call him 'father' or 'grandfather'. If you meet an older woman, you can call her 'mother' or 'grandmother, but be careful which one you use!
A guy near your age you can address as 'brother' or a girl/woman as 'sister'. In the Tibetan language you can say 'acha'. The translation is written below...

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In different regions on the Tibetan plateau you will find many different variations of these forms of address. In some dialects, there are also different words used for an older sister or brother, or younger or the same age. Acha is used in the central province and in Dharamsala, India, the largest Tibetan community in exile.
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Honorific form for 'sister' in Tibetan language
In the capital, Lhasa, in the central province, the honorific is used a lot. To make a name or a form of address respectful and polite, you can simply add 'la' to the end. So acha becomes 'Acha-la'. The Tibetan honorific symbol for sister is written above. Tibetan words and writing make for beautiful tattoos. If you would like your name or the name of your loved one translated into Tibetan for a tattoo or any other reason, go
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