Tibet as a Peaceful Buffer Zone
by Elise Jones
(Dennisville, NJ )
My class is of 6th graders from New Jersey. I teach social studies and our text is WORLD CULTURES AND GEOGRAPHY
Last year at this time we were studying Buddhism after Hinduism and India. At the end of our study we wrote cards to Obama asking him to introduce to UN or others a peace plan like the Dalai Lama's (years ago)
We hoped that Tibet could be turned into a peace zone and that the people there could keep their own culture and language and NOT have the Chinese influences from the emigrated peoples from the flooded lands from China's dam projects relocations
Tibetan land could be a peaceful place and maybe a safe haven for HH to return someday
UN forces or others could guard like they do in Jerusalem a world city
We will probably write the cards again
If we write them could we send them to you to pass them on to others who WILL help
Obama's reply was usual form letter no word of a peace plan
Oh well this generation CAN do something like Peacejam
thank you for reading